
Monday, September 25, 2006

Top 10 things heard at the boys' slumber party

10. "Aw man, who farted?!" --Kenny

09. "Me. Heheheh!" --Beau

08. "Don't you think it's awesome how pee smells funny after you eat beats or asparagus?" --John

07. "I think I'd like being a pothead one day." --unknown

06. "Don't you hate it when girls look at you and start laughing?" --Asif

05. "Yeah! It makes me think I've got a booger hanging out!" --Aidan

04. "Gross! Who farted this time???" --Peter

03. "Me, again. Heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh!!!" --Beau

02. "I think I'm gonna be sick... *urp-urp-URP! SPLAT!*" --Malachi

01. "Dammit, Malachi. Why did you have to have that large Cherry Arctic Blast?" --Me

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