
Friday, February 10, 2006

Doing my best to piss off more Christians

I've been bothered by this for ...well... ever since I saw the first one of these, which has been on my step-mother's minivan for a couple of years:

I mean, isn't this a violation of something here? I know it's Florida and those people are making Texas look like Massachusetts these days, but COME ON!

They also have nifty "Family Values" and "Family First" plates in Florida, not to mention all the tags devoted to "Invest in Children" and whatnot, which carry the same subverted connotation.

Where are all the "Fund Stem Cell Research" and "Pro-Choice" tags? The only thing close to that that I could find here in Georgia to try to right the universe was the Dog/Cat Sterilization plates we have:

(Mine's the first one.)

I know there's nothing I can really do about this. As it is, I'm plagued by driving through a sea of Jesus-fish on a daily basis, but I guess I can be thankful that I don't have to see those Pro-Life plates here. I'm just wondering what's next, Florida? Ten Commandments tags? I bet they'd do that one in a special "collect 'em all" series. Or maybe "Intelligent Design" tags? What would that look like, I wonder...?

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